Website Marin Academy
Marin Academy is seeking a joyful, student-centered, equity-minded educator to serve as a history teacher and class dean beginning in the 2024-25 school year.
The Class Dean is a .50 administrative position focused on leading and supporting students in a given grade, both by creating proactive, culture-building environments/experiences and by attending equitably, responsively, and with an identity consciousness to issues that arise in students’ lives and experiences throughout the year. Along with the Student Support Team, the Class Dean will move forward the school’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging work by reevaluating, reimagining, and creating programs, policies, practices, procedures, and traditions that are DEIB-centered.
Along with 50% teaching, Class Deans engage with students and families one-on-one and in large groups; manage proactive support and student concerns; provide consultation and professional development/coaching to adults in the community, especially advisors; and plan and organize advisory meetings, class meetings, orientations, and other community events and experiences.
Class Deans are visionary, detail-oriented, and culturally responsive educators. Individuals interested in this position should be prepared to engage in public events for students, parents, and prospective parents and work behind the scenes with the larger faculty and staff at Marin Academy. The ability to plan and manage information is critical, as is fluency with technologies including but not limited to Canvas, MyMA, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Excel, and more.
Specific responsibilities include:
Provide accountability for advisors around checking in with their advisees biweekly and advisor communication with parents; learn from advisors about students who require additional support and coordinate that support with the Student Support Team.
Lead weekly advisor team meetings about class dynamics and corresponding advisory and class meeting curricula and agendas; meetings will take place after school. After the classes end, meet with and provide guidance to class-level advisors on a monthly basis so that 1-on-1 advisor-advisee meetings can be prioritized during the school day.
Communicate time-bound/relevant scripts for 1:1 check-ins with advisors.
Host in-person and virtual parent education sessions and Class Potlucks.
Work closely with senior advisors on overseeing the Senior Speeches (as applicable).
Partner with students on leading class meetings so that students have a voice and know how to collaborate in leadership positions.
Weekly check-in with the Dean of Students, 1x/rotation Student Support Team meetings, 1x/rotation Dean of Students Office meetings.
Work with advisors, students, and families to engage and support students with their academic progress while also managing their extracurricular obligations, including athletics.
Plan and execute the orientations; class deans will report for one week prior to opening meetings for planning and coordinating these orientations.
The History Department at MA requires students to take three years of history, including Modern World History I, Modern World History II, and United States History. The school also offers a rich variety of history and humanities elective courses for seniors. While these elective courses vary from year to year, offerings in 2023-2024 include: “American Government,” “Art and History of Black Liberation,” “Justice in America,” “International Relations,” and “World Empires.”
Successful candidates will have the ability and desire to teach core courses as well as electives, have a degree in history or a related field, and be ready and excited to work collaboratively in teams within the History Department and across MA’s academic departments. Marin Academy has a block schedule in which classes meet every other day for 75-minute periods. Ideal candidates will have experience teaching at the middle- or high-school level and comfort with progressive pedagogical approaches. Expertise in non-Western history is a plus.
Currently, MA is deeply engaged in the work outlined in our ambitious strategic plan, which emphasizes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching and learning, competency-based assessment, and equity and inclusion. Candidates eager to work toward these strategic goals will be prioritized in our search progress. Furthermore, we welcome candidates who are eager to grow in their professional lives and who demonstrate a willingness and an ability to engage in reflection on their practice.
MA is a vibrant and diverse community, and students and teachers alike continue to work towards the furthering of an inclusive and supportive school. Candidates should have the inclination and experience to work in a community focused on issues of equity and social justice. In addition, we highly value the student-teacher relationship.
Marin Academy’s mission statement “asks every individual to think, question, and create in an environment of encouragement and compassion, and challenges each person to accept the responsibilities posed by education in a democratic society.” Marin Academy is an equal-opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity, and people of color and women are encouraged to apply. For more information about Marin Academy, please visit our website (www.ma.org).
Salary Range: Teachers at Marin Academy are paid according to a published salary scale, with steps for years of experience and degrees earned. A teacher with 5-10 years of experience and a Master’s degree can expect to earn between $87,000-$103,000 per year. If you have questions about the salary for your degrees & years of experience, please be in touch!
Please send a résumé and letter of interest to:
Stella Beale
Dean of Faculty