Lick-Wilmerding High School
Lick-Wilmerding High School seeks a temporary, full-time Communications Manager to fill a 6 month maternity leave from March–August 2019.
The position’s primary responsibility is web and print graphic design, copyediting, photography, project management, day to day strategy, and all school messaging consistent with the unique mission of Lick-Wilmerding High School. The temporary Communications Manager strengthens the brand identity of LWHS by overseeing and developing compelling content for the school’s website, social media, and print materials, and by executing multiple strategies to market the school to internal and external audiences. Moreover, the Communications Manager will ensure that all communications are clear, concise, and consistent. The communications team is highly collaborative and supports every department in the school.
- Job postings—copyedit content, ensure consistency across listings, prepare html formatting, post on external websites as soon as requests arrive
- Course catalog—copyedit all content, manage the review process for multiple rounds of edits, make sure necessary forms are included as they’re ready, publish the page and double check buttons and links are working
- Medical/emergency forms—make the new one. Copyedit and update for the new year, including all notification messages associated with the form, oversee that families are meeting the deadline. Includes medical form, activity release form, emergency contact form, and the climbing wall form.
- Admissions enrollment
- Guide the transition of incoming families being handed off from admissions to all school messaging for current families.
- Manage the timeline and communication around forms.
- Help coordinate the data import of incoming family info into the school website
- Add the incoming families to the directory dropdown menu. Announce to the community when this is complete. Remove the directory after the master rollover.
- Schedule and implement when new families will begin receiving the eTiger newsletter. Initiate a message to announce what the eTiger is to new families and make current community aware that they’re receiving it.
- Photo opt-out/consent form, update and make sure included
- Climbing Wall Form, make sure included
- Manage the communications budget, submit receipts and expense reports.
- Supervise the Web Editor—sign off on timesheet, support production of the weekly newsletter, forward web edit requests to the Web Editor, project manage any website related tasks that require support, make sure content is being published to all the pages necessary to communicate messages effectively, understand how interconnected the website is.
- A/V interns—seek video opportunities for student interns, organize meetings, facilitate coverage of projects, guide and refine the editing process, upload their videos to YouTube with thoughtful descriptions and video credit, add clips to instagram and appropriate social media channels.
- Homepage photos, i.e. the face of the school—on a weekly basis compile, edit, retouch, and post photos to highlight academics, the arts, athletics, community events, etc. with happy, engaged students and faculty. Prioritize this because it’s the face of the school and the website is a main marketing tool.
- Public relations
- Building related public relations with neighbors, press, etc.
- Ongoing, find creative ways to highlight accomplishments of the school, students, and faculty.
- Social media regular and timely posts—facebook, instagram, youtube
- Ensure consistency—Be the keeper of the school logo and enforcer of the style guide to maintain consistency across usage. Handle any questions and requests.
- Manage photography of the school
- Take photos of classrooms and cocurricular activities
- Schedule and host professional photographers, as well as communicate the look and feel the school is aiming for. A few known activities to cover:
- Performing arts, all evening events in Spring 2019
- Athletics, 1 game per team and the spring sports banquet
- Graduation
- Walk with a Purpose
- Handle all files that are delivered and carry out post production
- Sort photos, choose the best ones
- Edit—i.e. resize, retouch, color correct, etc. in photoshop for best composition.
- Add links to the eTiger newsletter each week, add photos to the school website and google albums photo archives.
- Take care of photo equipment and keep in excellent working condition
- Ensure impact and consider big picture of all Communications efforts
- Graphic design for print and web—Be on hand for any project requests that come up. Copyedit, perform layout, and facilitate the printing process. Annual tasks include:
- The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees.
- Graduation program, tickets, senior award certificates
- Business cards (Aug)
- Graduation reminders, announcements, and general communications—work with the Dean of Students and 11th/12th Grade Dean to create an effective, holistic, semester-long plan
- Manage stationery inventory
- Know when and how to make the website user-friendly
- Final eTiger of the year, summer edition, and first of the year
- Help project manage this process
- Review all previously included content
- Give advance notice to departments with annual messages
- Help collect and solicit content
- Inform community of the timeline of these 3 eTiger newsletters (last one always the day after graduation, summer is always the second to last Sunday in July, first is always 2 Sundays before the start of school)
- Plan accordingly for the summer edition, which is bulky and more involved than regular issues.
- Calendar
- Copyedit all content, build the google calendar for the next school year, build the data import for the main calendar on the school website
- Optimize all listings for search ability and general ease of use
- Announce when google calendar is ready for facstaff and students. Provide instructions for how to add and ongoing support.
- Update the main calendar and google calendar with change requests (ongoing)
- Tiger Days Planner—layout, order, and distribute the school’s printed planner.
- Prepare the school website for the new school year—including all parts of the public facing side, the internal resource board (there’s one each for students, parents, and facstaff), create new photo and video blocks for the archived content
- Support and provide guidance for best methods to effectively send messages. Handle requests for lists, which masquerade as requests/people seeking advice for how to send out a message to the community, or different parts of the community.
- If time allows, begin gathering content for the 125th anniversary website.
The ideal candidate will demonstrate:
- Bachelor’s degree
- Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and photoshop
- Comfort with Content Management Systems and knowledge of html
- Photography/Video Experience. Familiarity with Lightroom and Premiere desirable.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
- Systems thinker, attention to detail, organized
- Can do attitude
- Ability to keep projects going and meet deadlines
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team with a desire to collaborate and create partnerships with students, faculty and staff
- Values working with a diverse community of students and adults
- Personal qualities of integrity, resilience, approachability, kindness, and humor
Please visit lwhs.org/employment to apply for the position. Please include—all in PDF or Word format—a cover letter specifically addressing the question below, along with a resume, and contact information for three references. No calls, faxes, or emails please.
- How do your interests and experience align with Lick-Wilmerding High School’s mission?
A private school with public purpose, Lick-Wilmerding High School develops the head, heart, and hands of highly motivated students from all walks of life, inspiring them to become lifelong learners who contribute to the world with confidence and compassion.
Lick-Wilmerding High School has an institutional commitment to diversity and encourages applications from candidates of diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. Located in San Francisco, LWHS is a college preparatory, co-educational day school serving 515 students from grades 9-12. Founded in 1895 as a technical arts school and tuition free until 1972, LWHS has a long history of welcoming and supporting students from all walks of life and prides itself on being a private school with public purpose. At LWHS, a diverse student body, faculty, and staff in all its forms is central to what we believe constitutes an excellent education, and we are institutionally committed to ongoing reflective work in order to further define and articulate this complex and worthwhile vision.
To apply for this job email your details to jobs@lwhs.org